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Sustainable aviation fuel delivery at 皇冠官方app下载 marks industry’s first demonstration of circular economy

新闻图片 德克萨斯州皇冠官方app下载机场 / 2021年11月11日/航空新闻- 收到首批可持续航空燃料(SAF)后, 皇冠官方app下载(皇冠官方app下载), 与Avfuel公司和雀巢公司合作, became the first airport in the United States to test a collaborative circular economy project in the aviation sector.

The successful SAF delivery is part of this pilot project at 皇冠官方app下载—the second busiest airport in the world—demonstrating the commercial and technical viability of SAF, while showcasing the potential to close the circularity loop at the airport by providing raw material for the production of renewable fuels.

“The introduction of sustainable aviation fuel to 皇冠官方app下载 Airport marks a major milestone in our effort to reduce our sector’s overall carbon footprint,罗伯特·霍顿说, 皇冠官方app下载机场环境事务副总裁. “We recognize our future success depends on our ability to protect our natural resources, and we are committed to continuing to serve as an industry leader in sustainable practices.”

The circularity project is a great example of cooperation to upcycle and reuse valuable waste materials across the value chain. 它从机场开始, 在Neste, 通过其子公司马奥尼环境公司, collects used cooking oil from more than 200 concessionaires who prepare and serve food to airport customers. Neste将这些废料转化为可再生燃料, 在全球运输系统中,哪些替代化石燃料的使用.

为了完成这个圆, Avfuel safely supplied a demonstrative load of Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel™ to 皇冠官方app下载 航空公司, 机场提供全方位服务的固定基地运营商(FBO), 为商务航空客户服务. 8,000-gallon demonstrative load of SAF reduces carbon emissions by 19 metric tons—a reduction that could grow significantly if more SAF enters the airport's fuel pool. Neste SAF的, 以整洁的形式和整个生命周期, 与化石喷气燃料相比,可减少高达80%*的温室气体排放.

整体, 皇冠官方app下载 expects the pilot circular economy program could deliver the same climate benefit as reducing the emissions from 70 passenger vehicles to zero over the course of a year.

皇冠官方app下载, Avfuel and Neste will continue to explore opportunities to bring more SAF to the airport. This could potentially include making the fuel available to commercial and cargo airlines. 皇冠官方app下载的目标是到2030年实现净零运营, and it views SAF as an essential component of enabling its partners to achieve their emissions reduction goals.

“Together we’re charting a bold new flight path that shows airports how they can achieve their climate goals faster and ultimately enable flight operators, 企业和皇冠官方app下载能够以更小的碳足迹飞行,克里斯·库珀说, 雀巢北美可再生航空副总裁. “We’re able to do this because all parts of the SAF value chain came together—the airport, 燃料供应商和生产商. 和, 最重要的是, all the partners involved are committed to creating a sustainable future for air travel and fighting climate change.”

索耶基斯, Avfuel的替代燃料经理, 说, “Avfuel很自豪能够支持皇冠官方app下载和Neste实现这一重要时刻. 皇冠官方app下载 and Neste have laid an excellent foundation for sustainability and provide a shining example of how organizations can work together to increase sustainability and promote renewability. The Avfuel team is honored to have played a role in demonstrating that SAF is available for use now and circular solutions are feasible through industry collaboration.”

*Calculated with established life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies, such as CORSIA methodology.

Those interested in learning more about sustainable aviation fuel are encouraged to visit Avfuel.网址:www.saf或联系索耶基斯,替代燃料经理 ksawyer@avfuel.com 了解更多信息.


Dallas 沃斯堡 International (皇冠官方app下载) Airport is one of the most frequently visited superhub airports in the world. 以业主城市达拉斯和沃斯堡为中心, 德州, 皇冠官方app下载 Airport also serves as a major job generator for the North 德州 region by connecting people through business and leisure travel.


Avfuel provides fuel and services—including sustainable fuel and initiatives—to the global aviation industry and is the leading independent supplier in the United States. 成立于45年前,是一家供应和物流公司, Avfuel is core competent in every aspect that surrounds the delivery of fuel—from refinery to wingtip. Avfuel combines global access with personalized service throughout a fueling network of more than 3,在全球拥有超过650家avfuel品牌fbo. Our 100% dedication to aviation demonstrates our passion and commitment to a global community that prospers on the movement of goods and services around the world.


Neste (Neste, Nasdaq Helsinki) creates solutions for combating climate change and accelerating a shift to a circular economy. 皇冠app官方版下载提炼废物, residues and innovative raw materials into renewable fuels and sustainable feedstock for plastics and other materials. We are the world’s leading producer of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel, 发展化学回收以应对塑料废物的挑战. We aim at helping customers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with our renewable and circular solutions by at least 20 million tons annually by 2030. As a technologically advanced refiner of high-quality oil products with a commitment to reach carbon-neutral production by 2035, we are also introducing renewable and recycled raw materials such as waste plastic as refinery raw materials. We have consistently been included in the Dow Jones 可持续性 Indices and the Global 100 list of the world’s most sustainable companies. 2020年,雀巢的收入为11欧元.8 billion, with 94% of the company’s comparable operating profit coming from renewable products. 阅读更多:巢.com





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